Home Resident Community Awards

Community Awards


Community Awards 2024

Armagh City, Banbridge & Craigavon Borough Council’s Community Awards 2024 aim to recognise groups and individuals who make a valuable contribution to community life. These awards are designed to give thanks and recognise local people of outstanding merit for making a difference to the lives of others in our Council area.

Please read the Criteria carefully before making an application. If you feel that the organisation or individual meets the criteria then select the category that best applies to the individual/group you have in mind.

Nominators can make up to 3 nominations for a Group or an individual, but cannot nominate more than one into any one category. Separate nomination forms must be completed for each group or individual.

In the case of the “individual” category, self-nominations will not be accepted, nor will nominations from immediate family members

Number of nominations is not considered in the assessment process.

All nominees are required to have undertaken the work for which they are being nominated in a voluntary capacity and are required to have a minimum of two years involvement in the activity for which they are being nominated.  However, this is not a requirement for the categories ‘Under Youth Award’.  A minimum of one year’s voluntary service is required for the ‘Under 18 Youth Volunteer Award’ category.

Age Friendly Award Community Eco Award Equality & Good Relations Award Community Safety Award
Youth Champion Award Volunteer of the Year Award Under 18 Youth Volunteer Award OpportUNITY Award
Innovation Award Lifetime Achiever Award Health & Wellbeing Award


The deadline for nominations is 12 noon on Friday 12th July  and the awards ceremony will be held in Seagoe Hotel, Portadown on Friday 20th September 2024.

Download Guidance Notes

Nominations are now closed