Schedule of applications
Schedule of applications
Schedule of Planning Applications to be determined by the Planning & Regulatory Services Committee can be viewed in the table below.
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LA08/2024/0246/F | 9 The Olde Nursery, Bleary, Craigavon, BT66 8ZH | Erection of 1.5 storey side and rear extension to include kitchen/family area and first floor bedroom (amended plans). | APPROVAL | 05.02.25 |
LA08/2023/2031/F | Lands 52m north-west of nos.48-50 Killycomain Road, 40m south-east of nos.26-32 Bachelors Avenue, 44m south of 16 and 18 Bachelors Avenue, Portadown (With access onto Killycomain Road). | Erection of petrol filling station, convenience store, hot food prep area and deli counter, bulk fuels store, petrol pumps, canopy, right turning lane, pedestrian crossing, footpath widening and associated site works. | APPROVAL | 05.02.25 |
LA08/2018/1517/F | Lands west and adjacent to 4 & 5 Wallace Park and east of Nos 4 - 12 Mourne Grange, Dromore BT25 1BZ | Erection of housing development consisting of 5 pairs of semi-detached dwellings (10 dwellings), 2 detached dwellings with associated site works | APPROVAL | 05.02.25 |
LA08/2024/0528/F | Lands immediately adjacent to and south of Nos. 19 and 20 Eden Avenue and 13 Carrickblacker Avenue, and c. 9 metres west of Nos. 8 and 9 Roslyn Avenue, Portadown | Erection of 24 No. apartments units set within 6 No. two-storey buildings, associated car parking, hard and soft landscaping works and all associated site works | APPROVAL | 05.02.25 |
LA08/2021/1720/F | Lands directly East of and adjacent to 19 Skeltons Rampart, Derryadd, Craigavon, BT66 6QJ | Proposed erection of detached dwelling with detached garage and associated site works | APPROVAL | 05.02.25 |
LA08/2024/0753/F | Lands adjacent to and 30 metres north-east of 30 Lismaine Road, Magheralin, Craigavon, BT67 0RJ | Erection of dwelling and garage (change of house type and siting in substitution of previous planning approval refs: N/2002/0351/O and N/2005/0704/RM) | APPROVAL | 05.02.25 |
LA08/2024/1456/F | Lands incorporating Main Street, Keady Street, Fair Green Road, The Square, and extending from The Square to lands to front of 1-5 Bunkers Hill and extending onto Mowhan Road to the rear of No.2 Mowhan Court, Markethill | Public Realm Improvements to include new kerbs, paving, footpath surfacing, hard and soft landscaping, lighting upgrades and enhancements to existing pedestrian crossing points and tactile pavings and all associated site works (amendments to proposals at bus stop on Newry Street, previously approved under LA08/2024/0140/F). | APPROVAL | 05.02.25 |