The Preferred Options Paper (POP) is the first of three public consultation documents that the Council will issue during the LDP process. It marks the end of Stage 1 – Initial Plan Preparation.
A period of public consultation is open on the POP, running from Wednesday 28 March 2018 until Wednesday 30 May 2018 (at 5pm).
The main purpose of the POP is to promote focused debate on key issues of strategic significance which are likely to influence the direction of future development within our Borough up to 2030. The POP outlines the vision and strategic objectives of the Plan, along with a set of key issues and the possible options available to address them. The Council’s preferred options are indicated in the Paper along with its reasoning behind them. The key issues have emerged from our evidence base; from engagement with Elected Members and Section 75 Groups; and from formal and informal consultation with Statutory Consultation Bodies.
Feedback on the public consultation (on the POP and supporting documents outlined below) will inform the preparation of the Draft Plan Strategy, the next stage in the process (and the next public consultation document).
We welcome your comments on our Preferred Options Paper. Responses should be forwarded by 5pm on 30 May 2018 via email, post or online questionnaire (survey) as set out on page 2 of the POP (‘Have Your Say’).
A copy of the Public Notice Advertisement (in 7 local papers) below provides details of how further information on the POP and supporting information may be obtained, as well as the details of 20 Public Engagement / Drop-in Sessions to be held during the consultation period.
A period of public consultation is also open on the following supporting documents to the POP, running from Wednesday 28 March 2018 until Wednesday 30 May 2018 (at 5pm).
We welcome your comments.
Preliminary Planning Policy Review
A preliminary review of operational planning policy has been carried out to inform the Preferred Options Paper, as set out below. A more detailed policy review will be carried out in advance of the Plan Strategy.
Our evidence base comprises 14 topic-based Preparatory Papers, as follows:
The Council’s Housing Monitor surveys all residential completions within the Borough’s settlements (as designated in prevailing Development Plans), determining both the level of housing land supply and the remaining potential of land and dwellings that remain undeveloped on monitored sites. Monitored sites include all areas identified as suitable for residential development in current development plans (housing zonings) and any other area within settlements that has been granted permission for residential development (including appeal decisions) and where circumstances have not changed such that the potential for this development no longer exists.
The survey is completed on an annual basis between 1 April and 31 March.
The Council’s Housing Monitor will inform the Local Development Plan (LDP).
The Summary Tables are currently broken down into the former council district areas that comprise our Borough. These show the breakdown for each settlement within each area along with combined totals. The Council’s latest Housing Monitor Surveys are summarised in the report tables below.