ABC Seniors Newsletter Latest Edition Out Now!

Age Friendly

Older residents across the borough of Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon are encouraged to look out for the latest edition of the ABC Seniors Newsletter this month.

In this new edition, readers can catch up on everything from home safety advice to energy saving tips, from guidance on benefits entitlements to the Alzheimer’s Society as well as enjoy springtime quizzes, jokes and a word search.

Lord Mayor of Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon, Alderman Glenn Barr said:

“With over 2,000 hard copies making their way across the borough, we understand how important it is for our older residents to receive timely and relevant information on topical issues that matter to them – in a format that suits them!

“The free newsletter is packed full of useful and interesting articles, helpful guides and light entertainment features – so make sure you get your hands on your copy!”

Led by ABC Seniors Network and supported by Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council, the free ABC Seniors Newsletter aims to provide clear information on issues that matter the most to our older residents.

The ABC Seniors Newsletter is funded by the Public Health Agency and ABC Seniors Network through The National Lottery Community Fund.

For more information on the ABC Seniors Newsletter or to receive your free copy please call Stephanie Rock on 07825 010 630 or to download your free copy click here.