Dog owners asked to ensure safety of livestock.

Sheep & lamb image

Livestock attacks and worrying are major issues for farmers especially during the lambing season, which runs from December to May, and extra vigilance is required by dog owners.

Livestock worrying occurs when dogs chase animals, injure them and/or kill them, causing financial losses for the farmer and distress to the livestock. The dog owner is liable for any damages arising from livestock worrying and attacks and in certain circumstances it is legal for farmers to shoot dogs on sight if they are trespassing their land.

If your family pet dog is out of your sight or control for even a short time it could become involved in livestock attacks. Any breed of dog can be involved in a livestock attack/worrying/killing episode given the opportunity.

This is a particularly timely message following a recent prosecution of a dog owner whose two dogs worried and attacked livestock, and due to injuries sustained, the livestock were subsequently euthanised.   The dog owner was fined £300 and incurred legal and court costs of over £1300 in addition to further potential compensation of the farmer for the loss of livestock.

It is important to please give consideration for farmers and the welfare of their livestock by ensuring your dog is secure at your home and also keeping your dog under control at all times, preferably on a lead while out.

As a responsible dog owner please ensure your dog is microchipped (and the details are up to date) and that you have a valid dog licence issued by the Council.

Fixed penalty notices of £80 can be served by the Council for the offences of straying and not having a valid dog licence.  Details of how to license you dog can be found on our website at the following link.

Dog Licensing