Remember to licence your dog – or face a fine urges Council

Sheep dog image

Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council is reminding all residents that if you keep or own a dog you must obtain a dog licence from Council.

It is compulsory for all dog owners to have a current dog licence for their dog – otherwise they could face a fixed penalty fine of £80 or court proceedings.

Lord Mayor of Armagh City, Banbrisge and Craigavon Borough Council, Alderman Glenn Barr comments: “If you own or keep a dog, it is essential you have a dog licence.  A licence costs £12.50 or a reduced fee of £5 for persons in receipt of an income related benefit. Owners over the age of 65 are entitled to a free licence for their first dog. If an owner is caught without one, they will receive a fine – or should it go to court – they could face a substantial fine of up to £200 plus legal and court costs.”

“Recently sixteen dog owners have been taken to court and faced fines and costs for not licensing their dog or failing to pay the fixed penalty fine.  I would urge all owners or anyone thinking of purchasing a dog to make sure they have a valid licence to avoid these high penalties”

Before purchasing your dog licence, you must first have your dog microchipped. You can get your dog microchipped at your local vets or pet store and owners should obtain confirmation from the microchip company that their details are registered.

If you already have a dog licence, reminders will be issued before a licence is due to expire.

Owners are also reminded that if they sell or pass their dog on to a new home, they are required by legislation to notify the Council and the new owner must also obtain a licence for the dog before taking ownership.

Dog Licences can easily be purchased on line at

by telephone 03300561011 or in person at the Council offices.