Planting seeds of connection in Armagh for Loneliness Awareness Week


Everyone across the ABC Borough is being encouraged to undertake some simple ‘Random Acts of Connection’ which is the theme for this year’s Loneliness Awareness Week (LAW).

The ABC Loneliness Network launched the awareness campaign which runs from Monday 10 June to Sunday 16 June at an event in the Palace Stables, Armagh. At the event P5 children from the Christian Brothers Primary School, Armagh worked alongside members of the local Westenders group to plant flower seeds and then exchange the completed pots with each other, which proved to be a great experience for everyone involved.

The Loneliness Network is calling on individuals and groups to share their Random Acts of Connection and help to promote how important connecting with others is for everyone’s wellbeing.

Gerard Rocks, Assistant Director for Promoting Wellbeing Division in the Southern Trust said: “People of all ages can experience loneliness. Most of us will have felt lonely at some time in our lives – it’s a natural human emotion.

“But we know that chronic loneliness can result in a range of health problems, such as cardiovascular disease, depression, anxiety and cognitive decline. Therefore addressing loneliness can improve overall wellbeing and quality of life.”

Lord Mayor of Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough, Councillor Sarah Duffy said: “When loneliness is severe or lasts a long time, it can have a negative impact on our health and well-being. Recent studies suggest that long-term loneliness is one of the largest health concerns we face. Loneliness Awareness Week is vital in increasing awareness and understanding and can help us to create a more connected society.”

Stephanie Rock, ABC Age Friendly Officer within Council who sits on the ABC Loneliness Network added: “You may be surrounded by friends and family but still feel lonely. Throughout Loneliness Awareness Week let’s all try to increase those simple, everyday moments of connection which will help ourselves and others, feel happier, less lonely and increase our sense of belonging.”

If you would like to find out more details about events, classes and activities in the ABC Borough for people aged 50 plus, you can email or call 07825 010630.

For further information on the ABC Loneliness Network contact Tracey Powell or Catherine McCormack Community Development Workers, SHSCT by calling 028 3756 4495/4494 or by email: