Home Council Committee Structure

Committee Structure

To view committee information and structure click on the desired committee name below.

Councillor Robbie Alexander APNI
Councillor Scott Armstrong DUP
Alderman Glenn Barr UUP
Alderman Mark Baxter DUP
Alderman Paul Berry
Alderman Ian Burns UUP
Councillor Fergal Donnelly SF
Councillor Paul Duffy SF
Lord Mayor Councillor Sarah Duffy SF
Councillor Kate Evans UUP
Councillor Joy Ferguson APNI
Councillor Julie Flaherty UUP
Alderman Paul Greenfield DUP
Councillor Peter Haire DUP
Councillior Bróna Haughey SF
Councillor Keith Haughian SF
Councillor Jessica Johnston APNI
Alderman Gordon Kennedy UUP
Councillor Peter Lavery APNI
Councillor Liam Mackle SF
Councillor Ashley Mallon SF
Councillor Jude Mallon SF
Councillor Chris McCartan SF
Councillor Tim McClelland DUP
Councillor Clare McConville-Walker SF
Councillor Sorchá McGeown
Councillor Lavelle McIlwrath DUP
Councillor Kyle Moutray DUP
Alderman Stephen Moutray DUP
Councillor Alan Mulholland DUP
Councillor Catherine Nelson SF
Councillor Mary O’Dowd SF
Councillor Thomas O’Hanlon SDLP
Councillor John Óg O’Kane SF
Alderman Paul Rankin DUP
Councillor Keith Ratcliffe TUV
Councillor Kevin Savage SF
Deputy Lord Mayor Councillor Kyle Savage UUP
Alderman Margaret Tinsley DUP
Alderman Gareth Wilson DUP
Councillor Ian Wilson DUP



Councillor Robbie Alexander APNI
Alderman Mark Baxter DUP
Alderman Paul Berry
Alderman Ian Burns UUP
Councillor Paul Duffy SF
Councillor Julie Flaherty UUP
Alderman Paul Greenfield DUP (Chair)
Councillor Peter Lavery APNI
Councillor Liam Mackle SF
Councillor Ashley Mallon SF
Councillor Jude Mallon SF (Vice-Chair)
Councillor Tim McClelland DUP
Councillor Sorchá McGeown SF
Councillor Lavelle McIlwrath DUP
Alderman Stephen Moutray DUP
Councillor Alan Mulholland DUP
Councillor John Óg O’Kane SF
Councillor Thomas O’Hanlon SDLP
Councillor Kevin Savage SF
Councillor Kyle Savage UUP

Terms of Reference

Economic Development and Regeneration Committee

The Committee will be responsible for the development and implementation of strategies, policies, programmes and projects directed to the economic growth, urban and rural regeneration and tourism and cultural development of the Council area.

The committee will focus on unlocking the potential of the borough as a regional economic driver through working in partnership with Central Government, Statutory Agencies and the business sector.

Key areas of responsibilities include:

  • Developing and implementing strategies and action plans which contribute to economic growth, investment and regeneration of the council area
  • Influencing and contributing to driving forward economic development, urban and rural regeneration, tourism and cultural development of the borough
  • Researching, sourcing and providing support to attract and utilise European and other funding which will leverage additional investment in the borough
  • Using an evidence base rationale for providing funding and support to implement the Council’s corporate objectives
  • Supporting the development of culture, arts, heritage and museum services
  • Working in partnership with key stakeholders to promote the region as an investment and tourism destination
  • Influencing and contributing to strategies and policies affecting skills, employability, transportation and infrastructure
  • Managing and maintaining all assets and facilities to maximise their benefit to the borough
  • Providing support for economic development initiatives

The functions and responsibilities detailed are not exhaustive and given the dynamic nature of the evolving council the committee will deal with relevant matters as they arise.

Membership: The committee will consist of 20 members as appointed through the quota of greatest remainder method at the Annual General Meeting of the council.

Meetings: The committee will meet on a monthly basis at an agreed time, date and venue. All meetings of the committee are governed by agreed Standing Orders and the Councillor Code of Conduct.

Sub-committees and Task and Finish Working Groups: Each committee will be able to establish sub-committees, task and finish and working groups as required considering specific transition and convergence areas. Sub-committees and task and finish working groups will not have decision-making powers but can recommend actions for the consideration of the committee. The sub-committee and working groups shall report to the meeting of the committee immediately following the meeting of such a grouping.

Councillor Scott Armstrong DUP
Alderman Glenn Barr UUP
Alderman Paul Berry 
Councillor Fergal Donnelly SF
Councillor Kate Evans UUP (Vice-Chair)
Councillor Joy Ferguson APNI
Alderman Paul Greenfield DUP
Councillor Keith Haughian SF 
Councillor Jessica Johnston APNI
Alderman Gordon Kennedy UUP
Councillor Jude Mallon SF
Councillor Chris McCartan SF
Councillor Tim McClelland DUP
Councillor Clare McConville-Walker SF
Councillor Lavelle McIlwrath DUP
Alderman Stephen Moutray DUP
Councillor Mary O’Dowd SF
Councillor John Óg O’Kane SF
Councillor Keith Ratcliffe TUV
Alderman Margaret Tinsley DUP (Chair)

Terms of Reference

Environmental Services Committee

With the formation of the new council, and as part of the traditional committee system, the Environmental Services Committee will act in a strategic capacity helping to set the direction of the new council and will make recommendations to the council in relation to:

  • Waste Management
    • Delivery of refuse collection and the recycling, treatment and disposal of commercial and domestic waste
    • Provision and operation of household recycling centres
  • Corporate Health and Safety
  • Animal Welfare
  • Emergency Planning
  • Sustainable Development
    • Monitoring and reporting the performance of Council against the objectives and statutory duty  to promote the achievement of sustainable development
  • Environmental Health
    • The administration and enforcement of all environmental health and public protection legislation for which Council has a statutory responsibility.
    • Collaborative partnerships for the delivery of health and wellbeing
  • Licensing and Registration
    • The revocation or refusal of permits, licences and registrations
    • Hearing of representations relating to permits, licences and registrations
  • Grounds
    • Management of Council cemeteries
    • Management of parks and open spaces
  • Public Domain/Streets
    • Provision of cleansing services
    • Management of markets
    • Management of public toilets
  • General
    • Provide effective scrutiny of services as allocated to Committee
    • To keep under review the appropriateness and effectiveness of policies relating to Environmental Services Committee functions and make recommendations on future policy development
    • Agree priorities, set targets and monitor performance for Committee functions
    • Tender awards for Committee functions

Note: The functions and responsibilities detailed are not exhaustive and given the dynamic nature of the evolving council the Committee will deal with relevant matters as they arise.

Membership: The committee will consist of 20 members as appointed through the quota of greatest remainder method at the Annual General meeting of the council.

Meetings: The committee will meet on a monthly basis at an agreed time, date and venue. All meetings of the committee are governed by agreed Standing Orders and the Councillor Code of Conduct.

Sub-committees and Task and Finish Working Groups: Each committee will be able to establish sub-committees, task and finish and working groups as required considering specific transition and convergence areas.  Sub-committees and task and finish working groups will not have decision-making powers but can recommend actions for the consideration of the committee.  The sub-committee and working groups shall report to the meeting of the committee immediately following the meeting of such a grouping.

Alderman Glenn Barr UUP
Alderman Mark Baxter DUP
Councillor Fergal Donnelly SF
Councillor Paul Duffy SF
Councillor Kate Evans UUP
Councillor Joy Ferguson APNI (Vice-Chair)
Councillor Peter Haire DUP
Councillor Bróna Haughey SF (Chair)
Councillor Peter Lavery APNI
Councillor Liam Mackle SF 
Councillor Jude Mallon SF
Councillor Tim McClelland DUP
Councillor Clare McConville-Walker SF
Councillor Lavelle McIlwrath DUP
Councillor Kyle Moutray DUP 
Alderman Stephen Moutray DUP
Councillor Mary O’Dowd SF
Alderman Paul Rankin DUP
Councillor Kevin Savage SF
Councillor Kyle Savage UUP

Terms of Reference

The Governance Resources and Strategy committee helps set the strategic direction of the Council through the development, integration, delivery and review/ monitoring of the Community and Corporate Plans and key cross cutting strategies. The committee oversees all aspects of financial management and the effective use of all council resources.

The key functions/areas, which the Governance, Resources and Strategy Committee will consider, are:  


  • Manage and monitoring of performance against the achievement of council objectives outlined in the community, corporate and performance improvement plans, including fulfilling legislative requirements under the Local Government Act (NI) 2014.
  • Approve, review and monitor relevant departmental business plans in accordance with the performance management framework.
  • Approve, review and monitor service reviews, transformation/efficiency programmes to ensure continuous improvement.
  • Consideration of any sub regional or regional collaborative initiatives
  • The implementation of the Customer care strategy and corporate complaints procedure.


  • Developing the council’s financial strategy and all matters relating to its implementation; including all revenue and capital financing, revenue and capital projects & budgets and setting of the rate.
  • ICT systems convergence, security, protection and development of future strategies.
  • Monitor and review council financial performance.


  • All Human Resources matters including matters relating to organisational design, policy development, senior appointments and staffing structures and capacity building
  • All matters in relation to the Voluntary Severance Scheme


  • Monitoring and review of political governance arrangements and overarching strategies and policies including council constitution, code of governance, standing orders and scheme of delegation.
  • Development of corporate and service policies and consideration of any regional policy initiatives or legislative matters
  • Consideration of the external  consultation schedule  and any relevant  responses
  • Elected member development / training and all matters in relation to the elected member development charter.
  • Consider outputs form relevant officer member working groups such as the governance-working group and the elected member development group.
  • Statutory requirements in respect of equality and good relations
  • Information management and governance including the information management transformation project
  • Civic and ceremonial matters.
  • All areas of communications and public relations and matters relating to the implementation of the council brand.
  • All legal matters affecting the council including strategy policy/procedural development and review of service provision.
  • Operational matters and review of the council’s registration services.


  • All aspects of the management of council estates and property including, strategic asset review, land and property acquisition and disposals, leases and licences, off street car parking, maintenance and service contracts and civic facility management and
  • Matters relating to the management of the council’s corporate insurance responsibilities in accordance with the agreed arrangements.
  • To consider outputs from the Members Advisory Group working group.
  • Report on Delivery of Councils Approved Capital Programme including approval of business cases / appraisals in accordance with agreed Capital Governance processes.


  • Oversight and review of the community planning process and action plans ensuring legislative compliance and positive outcomes.
  • Oversee work on key strategies and strategic cross cutting areas (such as international linkages, and place shaping) in line with the corporate vision.

The functions and responsibilities detailed are not exhaustive and given the dynamic nature of the evolving council, the committee will deal with relevant matters as they arise.

The Committee can use its time if it sees fit to undertake ‘workshops’ to discuss matters /items of strategic and operational importance. 

Membership: The committee will consist of 20 members as appointed through the quota of greatest remainder method at the Annual General Meeting of the Council on the 20th of May 2019 for the four-year term. Parties will be able to review personnel and nominate members on an annual basis.

Quorum: In accordance with standing orders, the quorum – to enable business to be conducted – has to be at least ¼ of the whole numbers of members present.

Meetings – The committee will normally meet on a monthly basis at an agreed time and venue, excluding agreed recess periods. All meetings of the committee are governed by Council standing orders and the NI Councillor Code of Conduct.

Working Groups – The committee can establish working groups if it deems it necessary to consider and make suggests on relevant issues. The outworking’s of any such groups should be considered by the committee or full council

Councillor Robbie Alexander APNI
Alderman Glenn Barr UUP
Alderman Mark Baxter DUP
Alderman Ian Burns UUP
Councillor Julie Flaherty UUP
Councillor Peter Haire DUP (Vice-Chair)
Councillor Bróna Haughey SF
Councillor Keith Haughian SF (Chair)
Councillor Jessica Johnston APNI
Councillor Ashley Mallon SF
Councillor Chris McCartan SF
Councillor Clare McConville-Walker SF
Councillor Catherine Nelson SF
Councillor Thomas O’Hanlon SDLP
Councillor John Óg O’Kane SF 
Alderman Paul Rankin DUP
Councillor Keith Ratcliffe TUV
Alderman Margaret Tinsley DUP
Alderman Gareth Wilson DUP
Councillor Ian Wilson DUP

Terms of Reference

Leisure and Community Services Committee

With the formation of the new council, and as part of the traditional committee system, the Leisure and Community Services Committee will act in a strategic capacity helping to set the direction of the new council and will make recommendations to the council in relation to:

  • Leisure
    • Matters relating to indoor and outdoor leisure facilities including matters relating to the use of parks and open spaces
    • Matters relating to the strategic operation of Play and the provision of Play facilities
    • Matters relating to Sports development including review of arrangements and programmes
    • Harmonisation issues and development of an overall pricing strategy for 2016
    • Matters relating to facility and overall service development
    • Matters relating to sub regional and regional policy development
    • Service continuity, continued harmonisation of practices and the design of new service delivery arrangements and standards
    • The review and development of regional or sub regional opportunities for shared service delivery and partnership working
  • Community
    • Matters relating to the operations and development of PCSPS
    • Matters relating to the operation and strategic direction  of community facilities , services and programmes
    • Matters relating to the Good Relations strategy and action programme.
    • Service continuity, continued harmonisation and the design of new service delivery arrangements

Note: The functions and responsibilities detailed are not exhaustive and given the dynamic nature of the evolving council the committee will deal with relevant matters as they arise.

Membership: The committee will consist of 20 members as appointed through the quota of greatest remainder method at the Annual General Meeting of the council.

Meetings: The committee will meet on a monthly basis at an agreed time, date and venue. All meetings of the committee are governed by agreed Standing Orders and the Councillor Code of Conduct.

Sub-committees and Task and Finish Working Groups: Each committee will be able to establish sub-committees, task and finish and working groups as required considering specific transition and convergence areas.  Sub-committees and task and finish working groups will not have decision-making powers but can recommend actions for the consideration of the committee.  The sub-committee and working groups shall report to the meeting of the committee immediately following the meeting of such a grouping.

Councillor Robbie Alexander APNI
Councillor Sarah Duffy SF
Alderman Paul Greenfield DUP
Councillor Bróna Haughey SF 
Alderman Gordon Kennedy UUP (Vice-Chair)
Councillor Alan Mulholland DUP (Chair)
Councillor Thomas O’Hanlon SDLP

Terms of Reference

Performance and Audit Committee

The purpose of the Performance and Audit Committee is to assist the council in fulfilling its responsibility for the integrity of the council’s financial and operational results and performance, compliance with legal and regulatory requirements and overseeing the work of performance management, internal and external audit.

The Performance and Audit Committee provides independent assurance of the adequacy of the risk management frameworks and the associated control environment, performance management and  independent scrutiny of the council’s financial and non-financial performance to the extent that it affects the council’s exposure to risk and to oversee the financial reporting process.

The Performance and Audit Committee supports the council and Chief Executive by reviewing the comprehensiveness of assurances in meeting the Council and Chief Financial Officer’s assurance needs and reviewing the reliability and integrity of these assurances.


The Performance and Audit Committee is appointed from and reports to full Council, It is comprised of 7 Council Members and 2 Independent Members (see Appendix 1).

Appointment to the Performance and Audit Committee is for the term of the council and the Chair of the Committee will be rotated annually between Members.

The Chair of the Performance and Audit Committee must be a Council Member, and cannot be a Chair or Vice Chair of any other council committee.


The Performance and Audit Committee will advise the Council and Chief Financial Officer on:

  • the strategic processes for risk, control and governance and the Annual Governance Statement;
  • the accounting policies, the accounts, and the annual report of the Council, including the process for review of the accounts prior to submission for audit, levels of error identified, and management’s letter of representation to the external auditors;
  • the planned activity and results of both internal and external audit;
  • the performance of Council Departments and services, specifically in relation to the statutory duty of Council for putting arrangements in place for continuous improvement;
  • adequacy of management response to issues identified by audit activity, including external audit’s management letter;
  • assurances relating to the management of risk and corporate governance requirements for the organisation;
  • anti-fraud policies, whistle-blowing processes, and arrangements for special investigations; and
  • the Performance and Audit Committee will also periodically review its own effectiveness and report the results of that review to the council.
Role of the Chair

The Chair of the Committee has an important role in providing effective leadership to the Committee.

The Chair should have joint meetings at least annually with the Chief Financial Officer, the Head of Audit and the Northern Ireland Audit Office (NIAO).

The Chair must also ensure that new Committee members are briefed on appointment; that their induction and training needs are met; and that the performance of the Committee is formally assessed on an annual basis.

Induction and Training Resources

The council will make resources available to provide Performance and Audit Committee Members with appropriate and timely training in the form of a suitable induction process for new Members and on-going training, as appropriate, for existing Members.


The committee is authorised to seek information from officers or employees of the Council all of whom are directed to co-operate with any request made by the Committee.

The Head of Performance & Audit, Internal Auditors and the NIAO will have free and confidential access to the Chair of the Performance and Audit Committee.


Meetings will be quarterly, meeting four times per year in May, September, November and February to enable it to discharge its duties adequately and effectively.

The Chief Executive, Director of Performance, Head of Performance and Audit and Officers from Internal Audit will attend meetings.

The NIAO will be invited to attend all meetings.

Strategic Directors and Heads of Department will be invited to attend meetings as appropriate.

The Chair of the Performance and Audit Committee can hold private meetings with the Head of Department: Performance and Audit as and when required. The Local Government Auditor and Lay Representatives can be invited to attend.


No business shall be transacted at any meetings of the Committee unless at least 2 Members are present.

Declarations of Interest

A Declaration of Interests Register will be kept for all committee members. Each member should take personal responsibility to declare pro-actively any potential conflict of interest arising out of business undertaken by the council, arising of the Committee’s agenda or from changes in the Members personal circumstances.

Councillor Scott Armstrong DUP (Chair)
Councillor Fergal Donnelly SF
Councillor Paul Duffy SF
Councillor Julie Flaherty UUP
Alderman Gordon Kennedy UUP 
Councillor Peter Lavery APNI (Vice-Chair)
Councillor Ashley Mallon SF
Councillor Sorchá McGeown SF
Councillor Kyle Moutray DUP
Councillor Alan Mulholland DUP
Councillor Mary O’Dowd SF
Councillor Kevin Savage SF
Alderman Gareth Wilson DUP
Councillor Ian Wilson DUP

Terms of Reference

Planning and Regulatory Services Committee

The Planning and Regulatory Committee will be responsible for the strategic oversight and implementation of the council service function, relating to Planning and Regulatory Services, Building Control and Licensing.

In relation to each of the deferred functions the responsibilities will be as follows:

  • Planning
    • To build the capacity of elected members and officials in relation to planning responsibilities.
    • To examine the Governance and accountability requirements attached to the statutory responsibility for planning.
    • To determine a planning application or to decide upon or vary appropriate conditions, limitations, terms or other restrictions upon any approval, consent or permission granted and/or agree reasons for refusing consent.
    • To note all reports received in respect of planning enforcement matters which are to be presented on a quarterly basis and/or when requested by members of the committee.
    • To investigate, develop and provide development of linkages between Planning and Regeneration, Community Planning and other services as required to provide greater added value and synergy.
    • To exercise the functions of the council where these are not delegated to officers as identified in the approved scheme of delegation.
    • To strategically oversee and shape the development of the local development plan and ensure that it is monitored every year and reviewed every 5 years.
    • To approve other matters as and when they may arise, including the designation of Conservation Areas.
  • Regulatory Services
    • To strategically oversee the performance of the Building Control function in accordance with Regulatory Standards and Framework, maintaining and keeping up to date with legislative changes.
    • To investigate, explore and develop linkages between Regulatory services and other council services such as Planning and Regeneration with a view to providing greater integration, synergy and added value.
    • To forge/establish linkages with key external agencies such as LPS, DSD and other agencies as appropriate to enhance service provision/performance and outcomes for the council and service end users.

Note: The functions and responsibilities detailed are not exhaustive and given the dynamic nature of the evolving council the committee will deal with relevant matters as they arise.

Membership: The committee will consist of 14 members as appointed through the quota of greatest remainder method at the Annual General Meeting of the council.

Meetings: The committee will meet on a monthly basis at an agreed time, date and venue. All meetings of the committee are governed by agreed Standing Orders and the Councillor Code of Conduct.

Sub-committees and Task and Finish Working Groups: Each committee will be able to establish sub-committees, task and finish and working groups as required.  Sub-committees and task and finish working groups will not have decision-making powers but can recommend actions for the consideration of the committee.  The sub-committee and working groups shall report to the meeting of the committee immediately following the meeting of such a grouping.