Council and Sports Forum keep coaches and clubs’ training on track with online workshops

Lord Mayor, Councillor Kevin Savage is joined by Chairman of the Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon Sports Forum, Edith Jamison, to officially launch the second set of workshops as part of the Coach Education and Club Development Programme for 2020/21.
Lord Mayor, Councillor Kevin Savage is joined by Chairman of the Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon Sports Forum, Edith Jamison, to officially launch the second set of workshops as part of the Coach Education and Club Development Programme for 2020/21.

Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council in partnership with Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon Sports Forum are inviting coaches and sports clubs across the borough to further develop their knowledge and skills by availing of online training opportunities being offered as part of the Coach Education and Club Development Programme for 2020/21.

In line with current Covid-19 guidelines, the programme will continue to be delivered virtually with participants able to choose from a number of online workshops and webinars running between January and March 2021.

Three very successful workshops have been held to date as part of the programme with representatives from 29 local sports clubs logging on to avail of the online training courses.

Acknowledging the invaluable role that clubs and coaches play in guiding and inspiring lifelong participation and success in sport, Lord Mayor, Councillor Kevin Savage, said:

“As a Council we recognise the valuable contribution made by our clubs, coaches and volunteers in the development of our athletes and local clubs across the borough.

Now, more than ever, it is important that we stay connected and I am delighted that we can continue to support the development of our clubs, coaches and volunteers at all levels via online workshops to ensure that clubs across the borough continue to excel.”

The following workshops will make up the next stage of the Coach Education and Club Development Programme for 2020/21.

‘Safeguarding Children and Young People in Sport’ will take place on Monday 18 January and Wednesday 10 March from 6.45pm-9pm which raises awareness of child protection issues in sport and will introduce participants to the Code of Ethics and Good Practice for Children’s Sport.

‘Club Development Planning’ on Wednesday 27 January from 6.30pm-8pm will look at how clubs can create a development plan to grow and develop their club and ensure its sustainability.

‘Sports Nutrition for Optimal Performance’ on Wednesday 10 February from 7pm – 8pm will focus on supporting athletes to understand the best way to nourish their bodies for peak performance. Lorna Cooke, performance nutritionist to several Olympic and Paralympic athletes will lead this workshop.

‘How to build positive relationship with athletes parents’ on Monday 22 February at 7pm – 8pm will focus on understanding today’s sporting parents as well as how clubs can create an environment for parental engagement to thrive.

Any affiliated clubs or individuals of the Armagh Banbridge and Craigavon Sports Forum can avail of these workshop for free, separate booking instructions with a voucher code will be issued to those clubs. For any clubs not affiliated to the Sports Forum, there is a £10 charge for each workshop, payable upon registration. The Club Development Planning workshop will be offered free to all clubs or individuals who reside within the borough as part of a pilot workshop initiative in partnership with Sport NI.

To find out more about the content of each workshop or to book your place, visit

For further information, contact Amanda Mogey, Assistant Sports Development Officer, on 07816 341112 or email