Appeal for ABC knitters to support Age NI fundraising campaign


Knitters from across the ABC Borough are being encouraged to sign-up for a special charity initiative.

Age NI have launched their Big Knit fundraising campaign in conjunction with Innocent Smoothies, which involves knitters creating little hats for the smoothie bottles.

Every hat raises 30p to help Age NI provide vital information, support and friendship to older people who need their services most.

Participants are welcome to send their wonderful creations to Age NI at any time, but all hats must reach the charity no later than 30 June 2025, and the hatted bottles will be available in shops from October 2025.

Lord Mayor of Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council, Cllr Sarah Duffy who is also an Age Friendly Champion for the Borough urged people to take part. She said: “Knitting is such a relaxing and creative hobby and by taking part in this initiative, you will be raising funds for a charity which delivers excellent services and advice here in our Borough and across the country.”

For more information, please visit where you access knitting patterns for the hats, or you can email