New Deputy Chief Executive appointed

Deputy Chief Executive ABC Council Charlene Stoops - Web

Charlene Stoops has been confirmed as the new Deputy Chief Executive at Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council. Charlene, who hails from Armagh, brings over 20 years public sector experience to the role, with particular expertise in leading strategic planning, performance management and service transformation.

During her career, Charlene previously held the role of Director of Performance, Planning & Informatics at Belfast Health & Social Care Trust.  Prior to this, she was the Assistant Director of Corporate Planning in Southern Health and Social Care Trust for over 8 years and is particularly proud of the role she played in leading the development of primary and community care services across the Borough. This included new build Health & Care Centres in both Portadown and Banbridge.

Speaking of her new appointment Charlene said:

“I’m delighted to be appointed as Deputy Chief Executive to the Council in my own local area. I know the Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough is a place full of opportunities and challenges, with communities that are determined to embrace change and innovation, and I’m thrilled to be part of its exciting and vibrant future.”

“In my role, I’m committed to building sustainable and rewarding partnerships with both private sector and other public sector bodies, particularly in health and social care. I believe in the importance of investing in our local communities, to improve health and wellbeing and develop education and skills to provide rewarding careers, ensuring that our Borough continues to be a place that people want to live, learn, visit and work”.

Educated at the Royal School Armagh, Charlene went on to further her studies at the University of Ulster, achieving a First-Class Honours Degree and a Masters in Public Administration. In her spare time, Charlene enjoys walking and spends her weekends between various school and club sporting events, as she ferries her two boys between rugby, swimming, tennis and cricket.

Charlene also has a keen interest in art through previous work with the Arts Council of Northern Ireland, in commissioning pieces for new public buildings. This interest further developed in her role as Chair of the Arts Steering Group whilst in Belfast Health & Social Care Trust, where she had the opportunity to see the positive impact that art can have on colleagues and the wider community.