Take Part in Survey to Help Reach Zero Emission Goal

Faster Project Image of a car


The FASTER Project is calling on members of the public to share their attitudes on electric vehicles and sustainable transport

June 2022: Motorists and transport users across Scotland, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland are urged to take part in a survey to help identify barriers preventing them from transitioning to electric vehicles.

The aim is for local authorities to gain a better understanding of people’s changing attitudes and behaviours towards electric vehicles and sustainable transport systems to help facilitate the relevant infrastructures in the surrounding areas.

The survey, commissioned by INTERREG and delivered by Transport Research Partners is supported by the FASTER Project, a joint initiative across Scotland, Ireland, and Northern Ireland that supports a model shift to zero emission and sustainable forms of transport.

The FASTER Project will install 73 new rapid charging stations for electric vehicles across the three project regions. The initiative has received €6.4 million EU INTERREG VA funding to further increase awareness of the sustainable options available to motorists and road users.

Match funding has been provided by the Department for Infrastructure (NI), Transport Scotland and the Department for Transport (Ireland).

The Cross Border Local Authority led Organisation East Border Region Ltd are the lead delivery partner for the FASTER Project and commenting on this call to the public, Chairperson Cllr Michelle Hall said:

“The East Border Region are delighted to be leading this exciting and necessary project. Electric vehicles are the future and as Local Authorities, the onus is on us to lead the way and provide the necessary infrastructure to effect change.

“We would encourage everyone to participate in the survey in order to help us determine attitudinal change and the most appropriate methods to support change going forward.”

Donal Monaghan, Project officer, who manages the behavioural change programme for the FASTER Project at South West College added:

“The steady increase in the number of electric passenger and commercial vehicle  registrations proves a growing acceptance of a more sustainable transport system. Over the past 12 months, we have been working closely with agencies across the UK and Ireland, local authorities, government departments and electric vehicle user groups to support this transition.

“There are endless benefits of electric vehicles and other forms of sustainable transport, and we understand with the rising cost of fuel prices, people are reconsidering their mode of transport. Therefore, it is important that the public take this opportunity to make their voices heard and let us know exactly how we can support them on their travel choices.”

Survey respondents will be entered into a prize draw with the opportunity to win a £100 Amazon Gift Card. The closing date for the receipt of completed surveys is Friday 15th July.

The survey is available now at https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/IRSust and further information about the study can be obtained by emailing

Find out more about FASTER by visiting www.fasterevcharge.com