Lord Mayor officially opens new play park in Markethill!

Lord Mayor cuts the ribbon with two pupils to officially open Markethill PLay Park
Lord Mayor Alderman Glenn Barr cuts the ribbon to officially open the new play park in Markethill.

Markethill had great cause for celebration last week with the official opening of a brand new play park – and Lord Mayor of Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon, Alderman Glenn Barr was on hand to cut the ribbon!

With an investment of £100,000, the new park provides so many wonderful play opportunities to all children in the area, up to the age of 14.

You will find an inclusive roundabout, sensory panels, basket swing, harness swing, toddler and flat swings, a junior and senior unit along with an outdoor story telling area.

A range of seating has also been added, so parents and guardians can come along and share in the children’s play experiences.

Children from Markethill Primary School were delighted to help celebrate the special day and enjoy some time away from the classroom!

“It was wonderful to be able to officially open this fantastic play park on a warm, dry day, and to see the happiness of the children as they played!” commented the Lord Mayor.

“This is the first new play park I have officially opened in my role as Lord Mayor and the 20th park within the borough to have had such a significant investment, thanks to our Play Strategy. I know this play park will be widely used by the community throughout the summer holidays and beyond and is a very welcome addition to the area.”

The eight-year Play Strategy puts ABC Council at the forefront of health, recreation and leisure in Northern Ireland, actively championing play to help improve understanding of its critical importance to children and young people.

Farrans were the lead contractor for the works while sub-contractor Garden Escapes – a specialist playground equipment company – supplied and installed the new equipment.

Children have been enjoying the new equipment over the last few months but the official opening was only able to take place recently due to the pandemic.

For more information, contact Joan Noade, Play Development Officer on 028 3831 1684 or 07515 607 472.