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The public has spoken!

This year we received a huge 184 applications to the Tak£500+ Project.  Three incredible events were hosted across the borough where 152 projects were showcased by their groups, in the hope that members of the public would vote for them to receive funding to bring their ideas to life!

Over 4,200 residents attended these events and cast their votes for the projects they wanted to see receive up to £1000 – and 107 of these project ideas were successful in securing the funding!

With projects including sporting initiatives for all ages, community gardens and intergenerational initiatives to name just a few, we know the positive impact of these plans will be seen right across the borough.

All ideas were based around the Take 5 Ways of Wellbeing’ – five simple steps to help maintain and improve your wellbeing on a daily basis. All of the projects that received funding will therefore be invested in programmes which will help to promote the mental health of residents in each area.

An amazing total of £105,753 of funding was distributed between the winning groups and we can’t wait to see all the projects come to fruition!

View list of successful groups here >>

 For those that applied and didn’t receive funding on this occasion, the journey is far from over. The Participatory Budget Working Group will continue to support these groups to deliver their project in another way – and if this is not possible, to signpost them towards other funding streams and to assess additional support requirements.

Tak£500+ Event Gallery – Craigavon Civic Centre

Tak£500+ Event Gallery – Armagh City Hotel

Tak£500+ Event Gallery – Banbridge Leisure Centre

All ideas must be based around the ‘Take 5 Ways of Wellbeing’. These are five simple steps to help maintain and improve your wellbeing on a daily basis.



With the people around you, family, friends, colleagues and neighbours and spend time developing them. Building these connections will support and enrich you every day.

Be Active


Go for a walk or run, cycle, play a game, garden or dance – even a short 10-minute walk can improve mental alertness and wellbeing.

Take Notice


Of the world around you, how you are feeling, what matters to you and reflect on your experiences.

Keep Learning


Don’t be afraid to try something new, rediscover an old hobby or sign up for a course. Learning new things will make you more confident, as well as being fun.



Do something nice for a friend or stranger, thank someone, smile, volunteer your time or consider joining a community group.

A PB Working Group of Community planning partners will review your ideas against the following criteria

  • Safe
  • Legal
  • Feasible within budget and timeframe
  • Will benefit people in the Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough
  • In line with one or more of the Take 5 Steps to Wellbeing and in line with the overall ethos of Take 5.

Unfortunately, there are things we can’t fund such as personal payments, alcohol, political activities and things you are already funded to deliver. If you are unsure, please contact us.


Successful projects must be delivered by 31 August 2024 and you will also be required to attend a community celebration event in September 2024. At this event, you will be asked to deliver a two-minute presentation on how your project has benefitted your community. Please note, attendance at the celebration event is a condition of the funding.


If you have any questions about applying for funding, would like more information or some help with your application, please don’t hesitate to get in touch by contacting a member of the PB working Group.

Annette Blaney ABC Council 07721 109762
Austin Kelly Clanmil Housing 028 9087 6000/ 07711386882
Cathy Devlin ABC Council 07796266194
Chris Leech Craigavon Area Foodbank 07866605027
Clive Bowles Portadown Rugby Football Club 02838330295/ 07709166333
Elaine Devlin ABC Council 07771794988
Frances Haughey ABC Council 07500772905
Jennie Dunlop ABC Council 07795257261
Joan Noade ABC Council 028 38311684 EXT 61546 / 07515607472
John Beattie Triangle Housing 07715177221
Laura O’Hagan ABC Council  078 5605 7091
Lynette Cooke ABC Council 07721109759
Mark Doran ABC Council 07502363534
Michelle Hazlett NIHE 07771837356
Michelle Markey ABC Council 0300 0300 900

Simon Sloan DfC 07760858088
Stephanie Rock ABC Council 07825010630
Stephen Fields West Armagh Consortium 07759949314
Tracey Powell SHSCT 028 37564495
Vicki Titterington Linking Generations  
Valerie Maxwell CYPSP (Children and Young People s Strategic Partnership)
Michael Devine SHSCT
Dawn Vance DfC
Stephen Harland Ark Housing  
Raquel Rodrigues Keenan Volunteer Now  


Adult Sponsors

If you are under 18 years old, we ask you to nominate an Adult Sponsor – someone who can help you develop and deliver your idea and overcome any problems you may encounter. Your sponsor could be a family member, friend, teacher or youth worker.

If you agree to be an Adult Sponsor you are agreeing to support the young person’s application and give them any help and advice, they may need to make their idea a success.

We are here to help throughout the funding period should you or the young person you are sponsoring need any help, advice or support.

Group Sponsors

If your group is not constituted, we ask you to name a constituted group or organisation who will sponsor your project, as funds cannot be paid into a personal bank account.

If you agree to become a local sponsor you are agreeing to receive funds on their behalf and pass them to the successful group to enable them to deliver on their project.

Project supported by:

Tak£500+ is a project of Armagh, Banbridge & Craigavon Community Planning Partnership.

Funding pool provided by:

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Also supported by:

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