South Lake Leisure Centre - Online Training Portal

How it works:


  • This online training programme should take about 8 hours to complete – but everyone is different. It depends how long you take thinking and reflecting on each of the sections as you progress
  • You will need to work through each of the sections in the order they appear
  • We recommend you have a notebook and pen – this is mainly so you can write down your thoughts as you work through the slides. Your notes are not assessed, but they will help you with your assessment
  • The focus for this online training programme is about getting you to understand how to work in a safe and healthy way

Learning sections

  • The learning sections are designed to be worked through in order. They are easy to use – you simply work through the slides writing things down where necessary to remind you of important thoughts
  • You can move to the next slide once the blue arrow button appears
  • You can use the arrow buttons arrows to move forward and backward through the slides – so you can revisit something if you are not sure
  • In the Facility Layout you can click on rooms to identify
  • If you see a symbol find click for more information
  • If you see a symbol listen click for sound
  • If you see a symbol click to see a video clip


  • At the end of each section there is a short assessment paper that you need to complete
  • You need to pass all of these, but don’t worry, you can try each assessment as many times as you like
  • The result for each assessments is a simple pass /fail
  • Some questions will ask you to insert the missing word, you need to insert the same word as used on the presentation
  • Once you have completed all your assessments a site-specific induction with practical demonstrations and assessment will need to be completed

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