There is a packed programme of events happening across the ABC Borough for Positive Ageing Month, which starts on Tuesday 1 October.

Making new connections, getting active and finding a new hobby are some of the main benefits of the activities which will be held in Armagh, Portadown, Lurgan, Banbridge, Dromore as well as in our local villages and rural centres.
Whether it’s Tai Chi, Nordic Walking, or some table tennis, there is an activity to suit all abilities and fitness levels. The programme – which is available in the latest ABC Seniors Newsletter – also includes events which will focus on health checks, accident and scams protection, as well as local history and family history talks.
The events for Positive Ageing Month are open to everyone aged 50 and over.
Thurs 3 Oct: Armagh: Tea, Coffee & Chat
The Market Place Theatre, Armagh | 11.00am – 12.30pm | FREE
Members of staff will entertain you with tea, coffee, boardgames & chat. No booking required – drop-in.
Thurs 10 Oct: Armagh: Tea, Coffee & Chat
The Market Place | 11.00am – 12.30pm | FREE
Members of staff will entertain you with tea, coffee, boardgames & chat. You’ll undertake a small craft and leave with a piece of art to take home! Book online at or call 03300 561 025. Max 2 places per booking.
Thurs 17 Oct: Armagh: Tea, Coffee & Chat
The Market Place Theatre, Armagh | 11.00am – 12.30pm | FREE
Members of staff will entertain you with tea, coffee, boardgames & chat. Local tour guide Donna Fox will provide an insight into the fantastic history of the area around The Market Place. Book online at or call 03300 561 025. Max 4 places per booking.
Thurs 24 Oct: Armagh: Tea, Coffee & Chat
The Market Place Theatre, Armagh | 11.00am – 12.30pm | FREE
Members of staff will entertain you with tea, coffee, boardgames & chat. Join theatre staff backstage and see how things work behind the scenes! No booking required – drop-in.
Fri 4 Oct: Markethill: All Ages Bingo with Supper and Raffle hosted by Markethill Community Festival
Markethill Masonic Hall | 7.30pm | £5 per person including supper
Lots of great prizes to be won. For information email or call Helen on 07796 277 257 or check their Facebook page.
Thurs 10 Oct: Lurgan: Drum Based Exercise Taster Session
Taghnevan Youth & Community Centre, Lurgan | 1.00pm – 2.30pm | FREE
Light refreshments provided. For more information or to book contact Patreea Long on 028 3832 4989 or mobile 07787 000 160 or email
Mon 14 Oct: Banbridge: Informal quiz and reminiscence session
Banbridge Library | 11.00am – 12noon | FREE
Have a go at our picture quiz and guess what these everyday objects were used for in times past. Followed by a reminiscence session. For more information or to book call 028 4062 3973 or email
Mon 14 Oct: Markethill: Community Information Evening
The Courthouse Markethill | 7.00pm | FREE
Come along and listen to a selection of speakers giving free community advice. Light refreshments provided. For information email or call Helen on 07796 277 257 or check their Facebook page.
Tue 15 Oct: Keady: Paint & Chat Coffee Morning
Tommy Makem Arts & Community Centre, Keady | 10.00am – 12.00noon | Cost £5.00
Come along and try your hand at creating a masterpiece on canvas whilst enjoying a morning of good company and chat. Light refreshments will be provided. Places are limited to 10 spaces. To reserve a space please contact the TMAC Centre on 028 3752 1810 or email
Tue 15 Oct: Banbridge: Halloween storytelling with storyteller Sinead McAleavey
Banbridge Library | 6.45pm – 7.45pm | FREE
Get into the Halloween mood and listen to Sinead’s supernatural stories. Sinead McAleavey is an Ulster storytelling champion who tells stories of the Mournes and the legends of Ulster. This is not a session for younger children. To book call 028 4062 3973 or email
Sat 26 Oct: Markethill: Spooky Halloween Garden Event
49 Willowdean Markethill BT60 1QG | FREE | Donations welcome
Markethill Community Festival are hosting this event. Be prepared to be scared!!
4.00pm – 5.00pm is child friendly, with grandparents welcome. 5.00pm – late is older children and adults.
For information email or call Helen on 07796 277 257 or check the Facebook page.
Mon 7 Oct: Dromore: Dancing in the Daylight
Dromore Community Centre | 10.00am – 11.00am | £2.00
This is a low-medium intensity dance work out. It helps with coordination, rhythm, mobility and overall physical and mental wellbeing. No booking required. For more information, please contact Christie McMahon on 07500 961 296 or visit
Mon 7 Oct: Banbridge: Dancing in the Daylight
Banbridge Leisure Centre | 12noon – 1.00pm | £2.00
This is a low -medium intensity dance work out. It helps with coordination, rhythm, mobility and overall physical and mental wellbeing. No booking required. For more information, please contact Christie McMahon on 07500 961 296 or visit
Mon 14 Oct: Dromore: Dancing in the Daylight
Dromore Community Centre | 10.00am – 11.00am | £2.00
This is a low -medium intensity dance work out. It helps with coordination, rhythm, mobility and overall physical and mental wellbeing. No booking required. For more information, please contact Christie McMahon on 07500 961 296 or visit
Mon 21 Oct: Dromore: Dancing in the Daylight
Dromore Community Centre | 10.00am – 11.00am | £2.00
This is a low -medium intensity dance work out. It helps with coordination, rhythm, mobility and overall physical and mental wellbeing. No booking required. For more information, please contact Christie McMahon on 07500 961 296 or visit
Mon 21 Oct: Banbridge: Dancing in the Daylight
Banbridge Leisure Centre | 12noon – 1.00pm
This is a low-medium intensity dance work out. It helps with coordination, rhythm, mobility and overall physical and mental wellbeing. No booking required. For more information, please contact Christie McMahon on 07500 961 296 or visit
Mon 28 Oct: Dromore: Dancing in the Daylight
Dromore Community Centre | 10.00am – 11.00am | £2.00 | No booking required
This is a low -medium intensity dance work out. It helps with coordination, rhythm, mobility and overall physical and mental wellbeing. For more information, please contact Christie McMahon on 07500 961 296 or visit
Mon 28 Oct: Banbridge: Dancing in the Daylight
Banbridge Leisure Centre | 12noon – 1.00pm | £2.00
This is a low-medium intensity dance work out. It helps with coordination, rhythm, mobility and overall physical and mental wellbeing. No booking required. For more information, please contact Christie McMahon on 07500 961 296 or visit
Mon 7 Oct: Armagh: 1-2-1 eClinic
Armagh Library | 1.30pm – 4.45pm | FREE
IT help for beginners: help with your mobile device, general IT assistance, information about library e-services. Booking essential via or call 028 3752 4072.
Tue 8 Oct: Armagh: Making the most of your Social Media
Ardmore Recreation Centre, Armagh | 10.30am – 12.30pm | FREE
GoONNI will be hosting a digital skills session to learn you more about the features of Facebook and Instagram. This session will look at this fast-growing social media platform and how you can make the most of it. For more information or to book email
or call Stephanie on 07825 010 630.
Tue 15 Oct: Lurgan: E-Books and e-Magazines 1-to-1 clinic
Lurgan Library | 10.30am – 4.30pm | FREE
Get help with using our online reading apps. Booking is essential. To book call 028 3832 3912 or email
Tue 22 Oct: Lurgan: Introduction to the Cloud
Lurgan Library | 2.00pm – 4.00pm | FREE
A basic introduction to Cloud storage. Booking is essential. For more information or to book
call 028 3832 3912 or email
Wed 2 Oct: Maghery: Chatty Talks for Falls Prevention
Maghery Hall BT71 6PA | 10.30am – 12.30am | FREE
Come along and listen to professional speakers give advice on how to prevent trips, slips and falls. Lunch will be provided. For more information or to book call Rebekah on 028 3756 3946 or email
Thurs 3 Oct: Banbridge: Get Support with Hearing Loss
Visit RNID at Banbridge Old Town Hall, 1, Scarva Rd, Banbridge | 11.00am – 1.00pm
Free drop-in service | No appointment needed
Our friendly volunteers can support you with information on hearing loss and tinnitus, how to do a hearing check, hearing aids, including basic repairs and maintenance of NHS hearing aids, how to access support and services in your area. For more information call Carolyn on 07407 732 106 or email
Mon 7 Oct: Online Via Zoom: Move More Live More
A 2 week falls prevention health and wellbeing programme from Age NI. This consists of expert speakers such as a physiotherapist on how to stay strong within our body and other experts talking on different aspects of health such as sleep, nutrition, and mental health and how this relates to falls. In each session we will finish off doing some strength and balance exercises which are for suitable for all abilities. Don’t worry if you have never used zoom before we can help get you connected by sending you a ‘How to Zoom’ guide or we can talk you through it over the phone.
- 1st session Monday 7 October 11.00am – 12noon
- 2nd session Monday 21 October 11.00am – 12noon
For more information or to book contact or call 07773 113 544 or sign up online at
Tue 8 Oct: Keady: Health Checks (Chest Heart & Stroke Health Screening)
TMAC Keady appointments available | 9.00am – 3.30pm | FREE
Offering a range of health checks to suit your needs, with same day results. Booking is essential. For more information or to book an appointment call Hannah Williamson, Chest Heart & Stroke on 07720 160 766.
Wed 9 Oct: Armagh: Dementia NI Empowerment Group
Music Hall, Vicar’s Hill Armagh | 10.30am – 12.30pm | FREE
This group is a place where people living with Dementia can give and receive support from other people living with dementia and take part in a range of projects. For more information contact Rachel Molloy on 07734 376 036 or email
Wed 9 Oct: Portadown: Health, Fitness and Wellbeing Event
Millennium Court, Portadown (Market Hall) | 11.30am – 2.00pm | FREE
TADA Rural Support Network are hosting this event which will feature health speakers, alternative therapies taster sessions, taster fitness sessions, light refreshments will be provided. For more information or to book a place email or call 02838 398 888.
Wed 9 Oct: Online via Zoom: Agenda for Residential Care Costs Talk
This online session is in relation to planning ahead for future care costs. The session will look at residential care costs, types and costs of care; financial assessment re your contribution to care costs; what is meant by capital, and what is meant by income; current legislation and future legislation. For more information or to book email or call 07725 078 235.
Thurs 10 Oct: Online Via Teams: BT Digital Voice Session
4.00pm | FREE
Come along and hear from BT in relation to the important changes that will be made to landline telephone service. BT’s latest research shows that older people might not be fully aware of these updates and could be the most affected. The session will give people the opportunity to get their questions answered and concerns addressed at 4.00pm
Microsoft Teams | Join the meeting now
Meeting ID: 311 897 791 663 Passcode: qfj52Q
Fri 11 Oct: Portadown: Health and Wellbeing Event
Portadown Town Hall | 12.00pm – 2.00pm | FREE
ABC Community Network are hosting a networking event where there will be information stalls on physical, mental and emotional wellbeing, available services within the local area etc, guest speakers, group mindfulness and yoga session. Lunch will be provided. Call Emma at ABC Community Network on 028 3839 2777 from Friday 27 September to book a place.
Wed 16 Oct: Banbridge: Prevention of Home Accidents, Scams and how to eat Healthier
Old Town Hall Banbridge | 10.00am – 1.00pm | FREE
The Information session will be hosted by ABC Council & ABC PCSP. For more information or to register your interest call Claire or Pat on 0300 0300 900 Ext. 61814 or 61837. Lunch will be provided.
Thurs 17 Oct: Craigavon: Health Checks (Chest Heart & Stroke Health Screening)
Brownlow Hub appointments available between 9.00am – 3.30pm | FREE
Offering a range of health checks to suit your needs, with same day results. Booking is essential. For more information or to book an app call Hannah Williamson, Chest Heart & Stroke on 07720 160 766
Fri 18 Oct: Online via Teams: The menopause and your pension session Hosted by Money Helper
Did you know that the menopause can have a negative impact on women’s pensions? Some women struggle to deal with their symptoms during this crucial retirement saving period and often work less or reduce their hours. In this webinar, our Money Helper Pensions specialists will explain what impact the menopause could have on your pension and how you can focus on saving for your retirement. There will also be time for questions.
1st session | 11.00am – 12.00pm
2nd session | 3.00pm – 4.00pm
Contact Name/Number/Email:
1st session link:
2nd session link:
If you do not receive an automatic confirmation email please let us know by emailing
Mon 21 Oct: Online Via Zoom: Move More Live More
A 2 week falls prevention health and wellbeing programme from Age NI. This consists of expert speakers such as physiotherapist on how to stay strong within our body and other experts talking on different aspects of health such as sleep, nutrition, and mental health and how this relates to falls. In each session we will finish off doing some strength and balance exercises which are for suitable for all abilities. Don’t worry if you have never used zoom before we can help get you connected by sending you a ‘How to Zoom’ guide or we can talk you through it over the phone.
1st session | Monday 7th October | 11.00am – 12noon
2nd session | Monday 21st October | 11.00am – 12noon
For more information or to book contact or 07773 113 544 Or can also sign up online at
Wed 23 Oct: Gilford: Health Checks (Chest Heart & Stroke Health Screening)
Gilford Community Centre, appointments available between 9.00am – 3.30pm | FREE
Offering a range of health checks to suit your needs, with same day results. Booking is essential. For more information or to book an app call Hannah Williamson, Chest Heart & Stroke on 07720 160 766
Wed 23 Oct: Armagh: Prevention of Home Accidents, Scams and how to eat Healthier
The Palace Chamber, Armagh | 10.00am – 1.00pm | FREE
The Information session will be hosted by ABC Council and ABC PCSP. For more information or to register your interest call Claire or Pat on 0300 0300 900 Ext. 61814 or 61837. Lunch will be provided.
Wed 23 Oct: Armagh: Dementia NI Empowerment Group
Music Hall, Vicar’s Hill Armagh | 10.30am – 12.30pm | FREE
This group is a place where people living with Dementia can give and receive support from other people living with dementia and take part in a range of projects. For more information contact Rachel Molloy on 07734 376 036 or email
Tue 29 Oct: Armagh: Chatty Talks for Falls Prevention
Palace Demesne, Armagh | 10.30am – 12.30am | FREE
Come along and listen to professional speakers give advice on how to prevent trips, slips and falls. Lunch will be provided. For more information or to book email or call Tracey on 028 3756 4494.
Tue 29 Oct: Armagh: Get Support with Hearing Loss
Visit RNID at 11a Dobbin Street Armagh | 1.30pm – 3.30pm
Free drop-in service | No appointment needed. Our friendly volunteers can support you with information on hearing loss and tinnitus; how to do a hearing check; hearing aids, including basic repairs and maintenance of NHS hearing aids; how to access support and services in your area. For more information call Carolyn on 07407 732 106 or email
Wed 30 Oct: Craigavon: Prevention of Home Accidents, Scams and how to eat Healthier
The Hub Craigavon | 10.00am – 1.00pm | FREE
The Information session will be hosted by ABC Council and ABC PCSP. For more information or to register your interest call Claire or Pat on 0300 0300 900 Ext. 61814 or 61837. Lunch will be provided.
Mon 28 Oct: Armagh: Memory Walk
Around The Palace Demesne, Armagh | 10.30am | FREE | Donations to Alzheimer’s Society welcome | Hosted by ABC Seniors Network in support of Alzheimer’s Society
The buzz of the crowd, quiet moments of remembrance, the connections made with new friends. Join us to come together and raise funds for vital dementia support and research in N.I. Light refreshments will be provided. For more information or to book contact or call Stephanie on 07825 010 630.
Tue 1 Oct: Banbridge: Bat and Chat
Banbridge Leisure Centre | 10.30am – 12noon | £3.00 per session
Table tennis sessions are a fun way to learn how to play table tennis and improve your skills in a friendly and relaxed environment. The sessions are ideal for everyone, from beginners who want to learn as well as more experienced players. All equipment is provided. Book online at For more information contact Arnold on 07740 983 676 or email
Tue 1 Oct: Craigavon: GOGA FIT
South Lake Leisure Centre | 11.30am – 12.30pm | £2.00
Low intensity inclusive exercise class that helps to develop balance, range of movement and cardio fitness. For more information or to book contact Martin Quick on 07392 170 746 or email
Tue 1 Oct: Craigavon: Advanced Tai Chi
South Lake Leisure Centre | 1.30pm – 2.30pm | £2.00
Low impact Tai Chi to improve balance, core strength and range of motion. For more information or to book contact Martin Quick on 07392 170 746 or email
Tue 1 Oct: Craigavon: Tai Chi for Beginners
South Lake Leisure Centre | 2.45pm – 3.45pm | £2.00
Low impact Tai Chi to improve balance, core strength and range of motion. For more information or to book contact Martin Quick on 07392 170 746 or email
Wed 2 Oct: Richhill: Tai Chi
Richhill Recreation Centre | 10.00am – 11.00am | £2.00
Low impact Tai Chi to improve balance, core strength and range of motion. For more information or to book contact Martin Quick on 07392 170 746 or email
Wed 2 Oct: Craigavon: Nordic walking
South Lake Leisure Centre | 1.30pm – 2.30pm | £1.00
Learn proper Nordic walking technique that will help you walk improve your cardio, develop strength, improve posture and reduce the impact on your joints. For more information or to book contact Martin Quick on 07392 170 746 or email
Thurs 3 Oct: Richhill: Bat and Chat
Richhill Recreation Centre | 10.30am – 12noon | £15.00 for a 5 week block
Table tennis sessions are a fun way to learn how to play table tennis and improve your skills in a friendly and relaxed environment. The sessions are ideal for everyone, from beginners who want to learn as well as more experienced players. All equipment is provided. Free tea and coffee throughout. Booking online at
For more information call Amanda Mogey on 07816 341 112
Thurs 3 Oct: Craigavon: Bat and Chat
South Lake Leisure Centre | 10.30am – 12noon | £3.00 per session
Table tennis sessions are a fun way to learn how to play table tennis and improve your skills in a friendly and relaxed environment. The sessions are ideal for everyone, from beginners who want to learn as well as more experienced players. All equipment is provided. Book online at For more information contact Arnold on 07740 983 676 or email
Fri 4 Oct: Banbridge: GOGA FIT for Beginners
Banbridge Leisure Centre | 10.00am – 10.45am | £2.00
Low intensity Inclusive exercise class looking to develop balance, range of movement and cardio fitness. For more information or to book contact Martin Quick on 07392 170 746 or email
Fri 4 Oct: Banbridge: GOGA FIT
Banbridge Leisure Centre | 11.00am – 12noon | £2.00
Low intensity Inclusive exercise class looking to develop balance, range of movement and cardio fitness. For more information or to book contact Martin Quick on 07392 170 746 or email
Fri 4 Oct: Banbridge: Walking Netball
Banbridge Leisure Centre | 12.30pm – 1.30pm | FREE
This is for anyone who wants to become more active and enjoy playing netball at a slower pace. These sessions will be led by a fully qualified Netball NI coach, providing a warmup, a recap on rules, passing and shooting activities followed by walking netball games.
Book online at For more information, please contact Sarah Aiken on 07733 596 612.
Fri 4 Oct: Banbridge: Tai Chi
Banbridge Leisure Centre | 1.00pm – 2.00pm | £2.00
Low impact Tai Chi to improve balance, core strength and range of motion. For more information or to book contact Martin Quick on 07392 170 746 or email
Fri 4 Oct: Banbridge: Tai Chi for Beginners
Banbridge Leisure Centre | 2.15pm-3.15pm | £2.00
Low impact Tai Chi to improve balance, core strength and range of motion. For more information or to book contact Martin Quick on 07392 170 746 or email
Mon 7 Oct: Armagh: GOGA FIT
Dobbin Street Community Centre, Armagh | 10.00am – 11.00am | £2.00
Low intensity inclusive exercise class looking to develop balance, range of movement and cardio fitness. For more information or to book contact Martin Quick on 07392 170 746 or email
Mon 7 Oct: Armagh: Tai Chi
Dobbin Street Community Centre, Armagh | 4.30pm – 5.30pm | £2.00
Low impact Tai Chi to improve balance, core strength and range of motion. For more information or to book contact Martin Quick on 07392 170 746 or email
Tue 8 Oct: Banbridge: Bat and Chat
Banbridge Leisure Centre | 10.30am – 12noon | £3.00 per session
Bat and Chat table tennis sessions are a fun way to learn how to play table tennis and improve your skills in a friendly and relaxed environment. The sessions are ideal for everyone, from beginners who want to learn as well as more experienced players.
All equipment is provided. For more information and to book please contact Arnold on 07740 983 676 or email
Tue 8 Oct: Craigavon: GOGA FIT
South Lake Leisure Centre | 11.30am – 12.30pm | £2.00
Low intensity Inclusive exercise class looking to develop balance, range of movement and cardio fitness. For more information or to book contact Martin Quick on 07392 170 746 or email
Tue 8 Oct: Craigavon: Advanced Tai Chi
South Lake Leisure Centre | 1.30pm – 2.30pm | £2.00
Low impact Tai Chi to improve balance, core strength and range of motion.
For more information or to book contact Martin Quick on 07392 170 746 or email
Tue 8 Oct: Craigavon: Tai Chi for Beginners
South Lake Leisure Centre | 2.45pm – 3.45pm | £2.00
Low impact Tai Chi to improve balance, core strength and range of motion.
For more information or to book contact Martin Quick on 07392 170 746 or email
Wed 9 Oct: Richhill: Tai Chi
Richhill Recreation Centre | 10.00am – 11.00am | £2.00
Low impact Tai Chi to improve balance, core strength and range of motion. For more information or to book contact Martin Quick on 07392 170 746 or email
Wed 9 Oct: Richhill: Tai Chi for Beginners
Richhill Recreation Centre | 11.00am – 12noon | £2.00
Low impact Tai Chi to improve balance, core strength and range of motion. For more information or to book contact Martin Quick on 07392 170 746 or email
Wed 9 Oct: Lurgan: Inclusive Sports Day – Boccia and new-age Kurling
Clann Eireann Youth Centre | 11.00am – 1.00pm | FREE
Hosted by the Verve network, this is open to all older people’s groups and members of the community. Light refreshments served. For more information or to book contact Eileen on
07541 521 252 or email
Wed 9 Oct: Craigavon: Nordic walking
South Lake Leisure Centre | 1.30pm – 2.30pm | £1.00
Learn proper Nordic walking technique that will help you walk improve your cardio, develop strength, improve posture and reduce the impact on your joints. For more information or to book contact Martin Quick on 07392 170 746 or email
Thurs 10 Oct: Richhill: Bat and Chat
Richhill Recreation Centre | 10.30am – 12noon | £15.00 for a 5 week block
Table tennis sessions are a fun way to learn how to play table tennis and improve your skills in a friendly and relaxed environment. The sessions are ideal for everyone, from beginners who want to learn as well as more experienced players. All equipment is provided. Free tea and coffee throughout. Book online at For more information call Amanda Mogey on 07816 341 112.
Thurs 10 Oct: Craigavon: Bat and Chat
South Lake Leisure Centre | 10.30am to 12noon | £3.00 per session
Table tennis sessions are a fun way to learn how to play table tennis and improve your skills in a friendly and relaxed environment. The sessions are ideal for everyone, from beginners who want to learn as well as more experienced players. All equipment is provided. For more information and to book please contact Arnold on 07740 983 676 or email .
Fri 11 Oct: Banbridge: GOGA FIT for Beginners
Banbridge Leisure Centre | 10.00am – 10.45am | £2.00
Low intensity Inclusive exercise class looking to develop balance, range of movement and cardio fitness. For more information or to book contact Martin Quick on 07392 170 746 or email
Fri 11 Oct: Banbridge: GOGA FIT
Banbridge Leisure Centre | 11.00am – 12noon | £2.00
Low intensity Inclusive exercise class looking to develop balance, range of movement and cardio fitness. For more information or to book contact Martin Quick on 07392 170 746 or email
Fri 11 Oct: Banbridge: Walking Netball
Banbridge Leisure Centre | 12.30pm – 1.30pm | FREE
This is for anyone who wants to become more active and enjoy playing netball at a slower pace. These sessions will be led by a fully qualified Netball NI coach, providing a warmup, a recap on rules, passing and shooting activities followed by walking netball games.
Book online at For more information, please contact Sarah Aiken on 07733 596 612
Fri 11 Oct: Banbridge: Tai Chi
Banbridge Leisure Centre | 1.00pm – 2.00pm | £2.00
Low impact Tai Chi to improve balance, core strength and range of motion. For more information or to book contact Martin Quick on 07392 170 746 or email
Fri 11 Oct: Banbridge: Tai Chi for Beginners
Banbridge Leisure Centre | 2.15pm – 3.15pm | £2.00
Low impact Tai Chi to improve balance, core strength and range of motion. For more information or to book contact Martin Quick on 07392 170 746 or email
Mon 14 Oct: Armagh: GOGA FIT Armagh
Dobbin Street Community Centre, Armagh | 10.00am – 11.00am | £2.00
Low intensity Inclusive exercise class looking to develop balance, range of movement and cardio fitness. For more information or to book contact Martin Quick on 07392 170 746 or email
Mon 14 Oct: Armagh: Tai Chi
Dobbin Street Community Centre, Armagh | 4.30pm – 5.30pm | £2.00
Low impact Tai Chi to improve balance, core strength and range of motion. For more information or to book contact Martin Quick on 07392 170 746 or email
Tue 15 Oct: Portadown: On Your Feet Taster Session
Brownstown Jubilee Community Centre, Portadown | 10.00am – 11.30am | FREE
Low impact activity involving simple movements that form basic dances. Light refreshments provided. For more information or to book call Patreea Long on 07787 000 160 or email
Tue 15 Oct: Banbridge: Bat and Chat
Banbridge Leisure Centre | 10.30am to 12noon | £3.00 per session
Bat and Chat table tennis sessions are a fun way to learn how to play table tennis and
improve your skills in a friendly and relaxed environment. The sessions are ideal for everyone, from beginners who want to learn as well as more experienced players. All equipment is provided. For more information and to book please contact Arnold on 07740 983 676 or email
Tue 15 Oct: Craigavon: GOGA FIT
South Lake Leisure Centre | 11.30am – 12.30pm | £2.00
Low intensity Inclusive exercise class looking to develop balance, range of movement and cardio fitness. For more information or to book contact Martin Quick on 07392 170 746 or email
Tue 15 Oct: Craigavon: Advanced Tai Chi
South Lake Leisure Centre | 1.30pm – 2.30pm | £2.00
Low impact Tai Chi to improve balance, core strength and range of motion. For more information or to book contact Martin Quick on 07392 170 746 or email
Tue 15 Oct: Craigavon: Tai Chi for Beginners
South Lake Leisure Centre | 2.45pm – 3.45pm | £2.00
Low impact Tai Chi to improve balance, core strength and range of motion. For more information or to book contact Martin Quick on 07392 170 746 or email
Wed 16 Oct: Richhill: Tai Chi
Richhill Recreation Centre | 10.00am – 11.00am | £2.00
Low impact Tai Chi to improve balance, core strength and range of motion. For more information or to book contact Martin Quick on 07392 170 746 or email
Wed 16 Oct: Richhill: Tai Chi for Beginners
Richhill Recreation Centre | 11.00am – 12noon | £2.00
Low impact Tai Chi to improve balance, core strength and range of motion. For more information or to book contact Martin Quick on 07392 170 746 or email
Wed 16 Oct: Craigavon: Nordic walking
South Lake Leisure Centre | 1.30pm – 2.30pm | £1.00
Learn proper Nordic walking technique that will help you walk improve your cardio, develop strength, improve posture and reduce the impact on your joints. For more information or to book contact Martin Quick on 07392 170 746 or email
Thurs 17 Oct: Richhill: Bat and Chat
Richhill Recreation Centre | 10.30am – 12noon | £15.00 for a 5 week block
Table tennis sessions are a fun way to learn how to play table tennis and improve your skills in a friendly and relaxed environment. The sessions are ideal for everyone, from beginners who want to learn as well as more experienced players. All equipment is provided. Free tea and coffee throughout. Book online at For more information call Amanda Mogey on 07816 341 112.
Thurs 17 Oct: Craigavon: Bat and Chat
South Lake Leisure Centre | 10.30am – 12noon | £3.00 per session
Table tennis sessions are a fun way to learn how to play table tennis and improve your skills in a friendly and relaxed environment. The sessions are ideal for everyone, from beginners who want to learn as well as more experienced players. All equipment is provided. For more information and to book please contact Arnold on 07740 983 676 or email
Fri 18 Oct: Banbridge: GOGA FIT for Beginners
Banbridge Leisure Centre | 10.00am – 10.45am | £2.00
Low intensity Inclusive exercise class looking to develop balance, range of movement and cardio fitness. For more information or to book contact Martin Quick on 07392 170 746 or email
Fri 18 Oct: Craigavon: Chi Me Taster Session
Brownlow Community Hub Craigavon | 10.00am – 11.30am | FREE
Light refreshments provided. For more information or to book contact Patreea Long on
07787 000 160 or email
Fri 18 Oct: Banbridge: GOGA FIT
Banbridge Leisure Centre | 11.00am – 12noon | £2.00
Low intensity Inclusive exercise class looking to develop balance, range of movement and cardio fitness. For more information or to book contact Martin Quick on 07392 170 746 or email
Fri 18 Oct: Banbridge: Walking Netball
Banbridge Leisure Centre | 12.30pm – 1.30pm | FREE
This is for anyone who wants to become more active and enjoy playing netball at a slower pace. These sessions will be led by a fully qualified Netball NI coach, providing a warmup, a recap on rules, passing and shooting activities followed by walking netball games.
Book online via For more information, please contact Sarah Aiken on 07733 596 612.
Fri 18 Oct: Banbridge: Tai Chi
Banbridge Leisure Centre | 1.00pm – 2.00pm | £2.00
Low impact Tai Chi to improve balance, core strength and range of motion. For more information or to book contact Martin Quick on 07392 170 746 or email
Fri 18 Oct: Banbridge: Tai Chi for Beginners
Banbridge Leisure Centre | 2.15pm – 3.15pm | £2.00
Low impact Tai Chi to improve balance, core strength and range of motion. For more information or to book contact Martin Quick on 07392 170 746 or email
Mon 21 Oct: Armagh: GOGA FIT
Dobbin Street Community Centre, Armagh | 10.00am – 11.00am | £2.00
Low intensity Inclusive exercise class looking to develop balance, range of movement and cardio fitness. For more information or to book contact Martin Quick on 07392 170 746 or email
Mon 21 Oct: Armagh: Tai Chi
Dobbin Street Community Centre, Armagh | 4.30pm – 5.30pm | £2.00
Low impact Tai Chi to improve balance, core strength and range of motion. For more information or to book contact Martin Quick on 07392 170 746 or email
Tue 22 Oct: Banbridge: Bat and Chat
Banbridge Leisure Centre | 10.30am – 12noon | £3.00 per session
Bat and Chat table tennis sessions are a fun way to learn how to play table tennis and improve your skills in a friendly and relaxed environment. The sessions are ideal for everyone, from beginners who want to learn as well as more experienced players. All equipment is provided. For more information and to book please contact Arnold on 07740 983 676 or email
Tue 22 Oct: Craigavon: GOGA FIT
South Lake Leisure Centre | 11.30am – 12.30pm | £2.00
Low intensity Inclusive exercise class looking to develop balance, range of movement and cardio fitness. For more information or to book contact Martin Quick on 07392 170 746 or email
Tue 22 Oct: Craigavon: Advanced Tai Chi
South Lake Leisure Centre | 1.30pm – 2.30pm | £2.00
Low impact Tai Chi to improve balance, core strength and range of motion. For more information or to book contact Martin Quick on 07392 170 746 or email
Tue 22 Oct: Craigavon: Tai Chi for beginners
South Lake Leisure Centre | 2.45pm – 3.45pm | £2.00
Low impact Tai Chi to improve balance, core strength and range of motion. For more information or to book contact Martin Quick on 07392 170 746 or email
Wed 23 Oct: Richhill: Tai Chi
Richhill Recreation Centre | 10.00am – 11.00am | £2.00
Low impact Tai Chi to improve balance, core strength and range of motion. For more information or to book contact Martin Quick on 07392 170 746 or email
Wed 23 Oct: Portadown: Chair Yoga Taster Session
Ashgrove Community Centre Portadown | 10.00am – 11.30am | FREE
Light Refreshments provided. For more information or to book call Patreea Long on 07787 000 160 or email
Wed 23 Oct: Richhill: Tai Chi for beginners
Richhill Recreation Centre | 11.00am – 12noon | £2.00
Low impact Tai Chi to improve balance, core strength and range of motion. For more information or to book contact Martin Quick on 07392 170 746 or email
Wed 23 Oct: Craigavon: Nordic walking
South Lake Leisure Centre | 1.30pm – 2.30pm | £1.00
Learn proper Nordic walking technique that will help you walk improve your cardio, develop strength, improve posture and reduce the impact on your joints. For more information or to book contact Martin Quick on 07392 170 746 or email
Thurs 24 Oct: Banbridge: GOGA FIT for Beginners
Banbridge Leisure Centre | 10.00am – 10.45am | £2.00
Low intensity Inclusive exercise class looking to develop balance, range of movement and cardio fitness. For more information or to book contact Martin Quick on 07392 170 746 or email
Thurs 24 Oct: Richhill: Bat and Chat
Richhill Recreation Centre | 10.30am – 12noon | £15 for a 5 week block
Table tennis sessions are a fun way to learn how to play table tennis and improve your skills in a friendly and relaxed environment. The sessions are ideal for everyone, from beginners who want to learn as well as more experienced players. All equipment is provided. Free tea and coffee throughout. Book online at For more information call Amanda Mogey on 07816 341 112
Thurs 24 Oct: Craigavon: Bat and Chat
South Lake Leisure Centre | 10.30am – 12noon | £3.00 per session
Table tennis sessions are a fun way to learn how to play table tennis and improve your skills in a friendly and relaxed environment. The sessions are ideal for everyone, from beginners who want to learn as well as more experienced players. All equipment is provided. For more information and to book please contact Arnold on 07740 983 676 or email
Fri 25 Oct: Banbridge: GOGA FIT
Banbridge Leisure Centre | 11.00am – 12noon | £2.00
Low intensity Inclusive exercise class looking to develop balance, range of movement and cardio fitness. For more information or to book contact Martin Quick on 07392 170 746 or email
Fri 25 Oct: Banbridge: Walking Netball
Banbridge Leisure Centre | 12.30pm – 1.30pm | FREE
This is for anyone who wants to become more active and enjoy playing netball at a slower pace. These sessions will be led by a fully qualified Netball NI coach, providing a warmup, a recap on rules, passing and shooting activities followed by walking netball games. Book online at For more information, please contact Sarah Aiken on 07733 596 612
Fri 25 Oct: Banbridge: Tai Chi
Banbridge Leisure Centre | 1.00pm – 2.00pm | £2.00
Low impact Tai Chi to improve balance, core strength and range of motion. For more information or to book contact Martin Quick on 07392 170 746 or email
Fri 25 Oct: Banbridge: Tai Chi for Beginners
Banbridge Leisure Centre | 2.15pm – 3.15pm | £2.00
Low impact Tai Chi to improve balance, core strength and range of motion. For more information or to book contact Martin Quick on 07392 170 746 or email
Mon 28 Oct: Armagh: GOGA FIT Armagh
Dobbin Street Community Centre | 10.00am – 11.00am | £2.00
Low intensity Inclusive exercise class looking to develop balance, range of movement and cardio fitness. For more information or to book contact Martin Quick on 07392 170 746 or email
Mon 28 Oct: Armagh: Tai Chi
Dobbin Street Community Centre, Armagh | 4.30pm – 5.30pm | £2.00
Low impact Tai Chi to improve balance, core strength and range of motion. For more information or to book contact Martin Quick on 07392 170 746 or email
Tue 29 Oct: Banbridge: Bat and Chat
Banbridge Leisure Centre | 10.30am – 12noon | £3.00 per session
Bat and Chat table tennis sessions are a fun way to learn how to play table tennis and improve your skills in a friendly and relaxed environment. The sessions are ideal for everyone, from beginners who want to learn as well as more experienced players. All equipment is provided. For more information and to book please contact Arnold on 07740 983 676 or email
Tue 29 Oct: Craigavon: GOGA FIT
South Lake Leisure Centre | 11.30am – 12.30pm | £2.00
Low intensity Inclusive exercise class looking to develop balance, range of movement and cardio fitness. For more information or to book contact Martin Quick on 07392 170 746 or email .
Tue 29 Oct: Craigavon: Advanced Tai Chi
South Lake Leisure Centre | 1.30pm-2.30pm | £2.00
Low impact Tai Chi to improve balance, core strength and range of motion. For more information or to book contact Martin Quick on 07392 170 746 or email
Tue 29 Oct: Craigavon: Tai Chi for Beginners
South Lake Leisure Centre | 2.45pm – 3.45pm | £2.00
Low impact Tai Chi to improve balance, core strength and range of motion. For more information or to book contact Martin Quick on 07392 170 746 or email
Wed 30 Oct: Richhill: Tai Chi
Richhill Recreation Centre | 10.00am – 11.00am | £2.00
Low impact Tai Chi to improve balance, core strength and range of motion. For more information or to book contact Martin Quick on 07392 170 746 or email
Wed 30 Oct: Richhill: Tai Chi for Beginners
Richhill Recreation Centre | 11.00am – 12noon | £2.00
Low impact Tai Chi to improve balance, core strength and range of motion. For more information or to book contact Martin Quick on 07392 170 746 or email
Wed 30 Oct: Craigavon: Nordic walking
South Lake Leisure Centre | 1.30pm – 2.30pm | £1.00
Learn proper Nordic walking technique that will help you walk improve your cardio, develop strength, improve posture and reduce the impact on your joints. For more information or to book contact Martin Quick on 07392 170 746 or email
Thurs 31 Oct: Richhill: Bat and Chat
Richhill Recreation Centre | 10.30am – 12noon | £15.00 for a 5 week block
Table tennis sessions are a fun way to learn how to play table tennis and improve your skills in a friendly and relaxed environment. The sessions are ideal for everyone, from beginners who want to learn as well as more experienced players. All equipment is provided. Free tea and coffee throughout. Book online at For more information call Amanda Mogey on 07816 341 112.
Thurs 31 Oct: Craigavon: Bat and Chat
South Lake Leisure Centre | 10.30am – 12noon | £3.00 per session
Table tennis sessions are a fun way to learn how to play table tennis and improve your skills in a friendly and relaxed environment. The sessions are ideal for everyone, from beginners who want to learn as well as more experienced players. All equipment is provided. For more information and to book please contact Arnold on 07740 983 676 or email
Mon 7 Oct: Armagh: Family History Session
Armagh Library | 10.30am – 12.30pm | FREE
Learn how to trace the history of your house online and see what stories you’ll uncover. Booking essential via email or call 028 3752 4072.
Fri 11 Oct: Derrynoose: Local History Presentation
Derrynoose Community Centre | 8.00pm | £5.00 payable at the door
The Derrynoose Banner Restoration Committee will tell the story behind the Parish Banner, and you can also listen to a collection of schools folklore from the 1930’s. For more information contact John Makem on 028 3753 1971. Refreshments will be served.
Tue 22 Oct: Rathfriland: Digital Film Archive Screening and Reminiscence
Rathfriland Library | 6.30pm – 7.30pm | FREE
Come along for a nostalgic journey through our lives in film. A special screening from the
Digital Film Archive presented by Lisa Duggan. Lovely memories of days gone by and a chance to share your stories. Northern Ireland Screen’s Digital Film Archive is an online collection of films of Ulster and Northern Ireland going back 120 years. For more information or to book call 028 4063 0661 or email
Wed 23 Oct: Tandragee: Family History: learn how to trace the history of your house online
2.00pm – 4.00pm | FREE | Booking essential
See what stories you’ll uncover. Email or call 028 3884 0694.
Thurs 24 Oct: Online Via Teams: Age-Friendly Developments Webinar
10.00am – 11.00am
This session will explore how the needs and aspirations of older people can be better addressed by architects, planners and developers creating new residential developments. We will explore the different ways that built environment professions think about older people, what we mean by ‘age-friendly’ housing, and how we can mainstream it in the places we work. For more information or to book a place email or call 07825 010 630 or email or call 07827 823 998.
Mon 14 Oct: Lurgan: Guided Audio Tree Trail Tour
Lurgan Park | 10.00am – 11.30am | FREE
Join us as we explore the Parks, learn more about the different types of trees in the park. The trails are suitable for all abilities, will take up to 60 minutes, and will cover a maximum distance of 1.1 miles. To book please visit For more information please call Edel Ferson on 07775 868 463
Wed 16 Oct: Banbridge: Guided Audio Nature Trail Tour
Solitude Park , Banbridge | 10.00am – 11.00am | FREE
Join us as we explore the Parks, learn about and connect with nature and the wildlife. The trails are suitable for all abilities, will take up to 45 minutes, and will cover a maximum distance of 0.5 miles. To book please visit For more information please call Edel Ferson on 07775 868 463
Fri 18 Oct: Lurgan: Guided Audio Historical Trail Tour
Lurgan Park | 10.00am – 11.30am | FREE
Join us as we explore the Parks, learn more about the area’s history and connect with nature and wildlife. The trails are suitable for all abilities, will take up to 60 minutes, and will cover a maximum distance of 1.1 miles. To book please visit For more information please call Edel Ferson on 07775 868 463.
Tue 1 Oct: Gilford: Tea Dance
Gilford Community Centre BT63 6ET | 2.00pm – 4.00pm | FREE
ABC Seniors Network are hosting this event to encourage everyone to come together, enjoy some dancing, have a cup of tea, make new social connections and enjoy the craic. For more information or to book a place email or call Stephanie on 07825 010 630.
Thurs 3 Oct: Armagh: Positive Ageing Month Tea Dance
Armagh City Hotel | 2.00pm – 4.00pm | FREE
Ark and Triangle Housing invite you to an Afternoon Tea Dance in celebration of older people and the valuable contribution they make to our community. Only 2 places per booking. For more information or to book email Sophie on or call Sophie Lester on 0300 0300 900.
Wed 9 Oct: Portadown: Tea Dance
Portadown Town Hall | 2.00pm – 4.00pm | FREE
ABC Seniors Network are hosting this event to encourage everyone to come together, enjoy some dancing, have a cup of tea, make new social connections and enjoy the craic. For more information or to book a place email or call Stephanie on 07825 010 630.
Tue 22 Oct: Keady: Tea Dance
Tommy Makem Arts & Community Centre, Keady | 2.00pm – 4.00pm | FREE
ABC Seniors Network are hosting this event to encourage everyone to come together, enjoy some dancing, have a cup of tea, make new social connections and enjoy the craic. For more information or to book a place email or call Stephanie on 07825 010 630.
Wed 2 Oct: Lurgan: Verve Chatty Walk
Meet at Lough Neagh Discovery Centre at 10.00am | FREE
For more information or to book call Rebekah Lee on 028 3756 3946 or email
Fri 4 Oct: Portadown: Verve Chatty Walk
Portadown People’s Park | 2.00pm | FREE
Meet at Clanrye, Mayfair Business Centre. For more information or to book call Emma
McCormick 07485 325 861 or email
Mon 7 Oct: Lurgan: Verve Chatty Walk
Lurgan Park | 10.00am | FREE
Meet at Windsor Ave gate. For more information or to book call Rebekah Lee on 028 3756 3946 or email
Mon 7 Oct: Armagh: Verve Chatty Walk Meet
Drummellan Community Centre, Portadown | 1.00pm | FREE
For more information or to book call Rebekah Lee on 028 3756 3946 or email
Tue 8 Oct: Armagh: Parkwalk – Strive for Five
The Mall Armagh | 10.30am – 11.15am | FREE
Free four week social walking programme building up towards completing a 5k walk. Book online at For more information contact Edel Ferson on 07775 868 463.
Wed 9 Oct: Lurgan: Verve Chatty Walk
Oxford Island – Meet at Lough Neagh Discovery Centre at 10.00am | FREE
For more information or to book call Rebekah Lee on 028 3756 3946 or email
Thurs 10 Oct: Craigavon: Verve Chatty Walk
South Lake Leisure Centre – Meet at Café IncredABLE | 10.00am | FREE
For more information or to book call Rebekah Lee on 028 3756 3946 or email
Thurs 10 Oct : Armagh: Parkwalk – Strive for Five
The Mall Armagh | 10.30am – 11.15am | FREE
Free four week social walking programme building up towards completing a 5k walk.
Book online at For more information contact Edel Ferson
on 07775 868 463.
Fri 11 Oct: Portadown: Verve Chatty Walk
Portadown People’s Park | 2.00pm | FREE
Meet at Clanrye, Mayfair Business Centre. For more information or to book contact Emma McCormick 07485 325 861 or email
Mon 14 Oct: Lurgan: Verve Chatty Walk
Lurgan Park, meet at Windsor Ave gate | 10.00am | FREE
For more information or to book call Rebekah Lee on 028 3756 3946 or email
Mon 14 Oct: Portadown: Verve Chatty Walk meet
Drummellan Community Centre, Portadown | 1.00pm | FREE
For more information or to book call Rebekah Lee on 028 3756 3946 or email
Tue 15 Oct: Armagh: Parkwalk – Strive for Five
The Mall Armagh | 10.30am – 11.15am | FREE
Free four week social walking programme building up towards completing a 5k walk.
Book online at For more information contact Edel Ferson on
07775 868 463.
Wed 16 Oct: Lurgan: Verve Chatty Walk
Oxford Island – Meet at Lough Neagh Discovery Centre | 10.00am | FREE
For more information or to book call Rebekah Lee on 028 3756 3946 or email
Thurs 17 Oct: Craigavon: Verve Chatty Walk
South Lake Leisure Centre | Meet at Café IncredABLE | 10.00am | FREE
For more information or to book call Rebekah Lee on 028 3756 3946 or email
Thurs 17 Oct: Armagh: Parkwalk – Strive for Five
The Mall Armagh | 10.30am – 11.15am | FREE
Free four week social walking programme building up towards completing a 5k walk. Book online at For more information contact Edel Ferson on 07775 868 463.
Fri 18 Oct: Portadown: Verve Chatty Walk
Portadown People’s Park | 2.00pm | FREE
Meet at Clanrye, Mayfair Business Centre. For more information or to book contact Emma McCormick 07485 325 861 or email
Mon 21 Oct: Lurgan: Verve Chatty Walk
Meet at Windsor Ave gate at 10.00am | FREE
For more information or to book call Rebekah Lee on 028 3756 3946 or email
Mon 21 Oct: Portadown: Verve Chatty Walk Meet
Drummellan Community Centre, Portadown | 1.00pm | FREE
For more information or to book call Rebekah Lee on 028 3756 3946 or email
Tue 22 Oct: Armagh: Parkwalk – Strive for Five
The Mall Armagh | 10.30am – 11.15am | FREE
Free four week social walking programme building up towards completing a 5k walk. Book online at For more information contact Edel Ferson on 07775 868 463.
Wed 23 Oct: Lurgan: Verve Chatty Walk
Meet at Lough Neagh Discovery Centre | 10.00am | FREE
For more information or to book call Rebekah Lee on p 028 3756 3946 or email e
Thurs 24 Oct: Craigavon: Verve Chatty Walk
South Lake Leisure Centre | Meet at Café IncredABLE at 10.00am | FREE
For more information or to book call Rebekah Lee on 028 3756 3946 or email
Thurs 24 Oct: Armagh: Parkwalk – Strive for Five
The Mall Armagh | 10.30am – 11.15am | FREE
Free four week social walking programme building up towards completing a 5k walk. Book online at For more information contact Edel Ferson on 07775 868 463.
Fri 25 Oct: Portadown: Verve Chatty Walk
Portadown People’s Park | 2.00pm | FREE
Meet at Clanrye, Mayfair Business Centre. For more information or to book call Emma
McCormick 07485 325 861 or email
Mon 28 Oct: Lurgan: Verve Chatty Walk
Lurgan Park, meet at Windsor Ave gate | 10.00am | FREE
For more information or to book call Rebekah Lee on 028 3756 3946 or email
Mon 28 Oct: Portadown: Verve Chatty Walk
Meet at Drummellan Community Centre, Portadown | 1.00pm | FREE
For more information or to book call Rebekah Lee on 028 3756 3946 or email
Thurs 31 Oct: Armagh: Parkwalk – Strive for Five
The Mall Armagh | 10.30am – 11.15am | FREE
Free four week social walking programme building up towards completing a 5k walk. Book online at For more information contact Edel Ferson on 07775 868 463.