Bonfire Safety

Keeping everyone safe and well.

Bonfires are not organised or supervised by any official body or organisation, therefore safety at a bonfire can never be assured, and so as a community it is important to ‘Think Safety First’ before, during and after a bonfire by following the guidance below:

Bonfire Safety Leaflet
Download Bonfire Safety Leaflet


  • Be aware of the risks – the construction site where a bonfire is built can be dangerous due to the temporary nature of the structure, particularly to children, therefore open access to the site is not recommended.
  • Never place foam filled furniture, flammable liquids, or aerosol canisters in a bonfire, they have the potential to release toxins and/or explode causing serious harm.
  • Limit the height of the bonfire to reduce the risk of collapse.


  • Standing too close to a bonfire is not recommended as this may cause potential health effects including;
    • Accidental burning
    • Coughing and/or breathing difficulties due to smoke inhalation
    • Irritation to eyes, nose and throat

    People with pre-existing heart or lung health conditions (including asthma), children, pregnant women and people over 65 years of age are more sensitive to the effects of breathing in smoke.

    Avoid the impact of smoke inhalation by:

    • Limiting time spent outdoors.
    • Closing all windows and doors when inside.

    If anyone is concerned about the effects of smoke inhalation or burning – contact 999 immediately.

    Weather conditions

    Weather conditions can impact dramatically on the nature of a bonfire.  Strong winds and directional changes can heighten the risk to bystanders and property.  To limit risk don’t stand too close and ensure there is sufficient space from property, shrubs, overhead cables and vehicles.

    Animal welfare

    Keep pets away from bonfires and preferably indoors.


  • The bonfire site after burning may be unsafe due to materials left behind, especially for children.  Please stay away from the site until it is safe to do so, after a clean-up has taken place.


Everyone’s cooperation will ensure the community stays safe and well.
